Through the Noteworthy Event

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Dedicated to those who sacrificed their lives during World War II.


In turning the book of the past’s pages

Unto the grievous days of darkness,

You can witness people losing their lives

Because of one greedy heart that survives.


As the rain flows with the eerie thunder

And as the flashing lightning is coming over,

You can see those weary faces

Asking for help, justice and graces.


Those rivers of lives have stopped flowing,

As there red vivid color is vanishing.

Those bodies surrender and turn back into dust,

Then it will just disappear as time passes.


Bodies may be buried, but not those souls.

The life in the future still consoles.

The Führer who killed innocent hearts,

Deserves pain as his soul departs.


Those inspiring people who tried to save,

I forget them not until on my grave.

The history of the World War the second,

What an unforgettable event that happened.

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